Two buses, masks, and capsules of 20 - we set out in high spirits for our first Friday-Shabbat Seminar in too long!! We visited the Prophet Samuel’s tomb, Nebi Mussa, and King Hussein’s unfinished palace north of Jerusalem, hiked and drank tea near Jericho and then spent Shabbat in beautiful Kibbutz Almog North of the Dead Sea.
“The Shabbaton in Almog was the first for me. It was literally a breath of fresh air and rare opportunity for high-level Jewish engagement after two lockdowns. I really appreciate the activities of "Shishi Shabbat" - not only the scholarly and positive lecturers with inimitable senses of humor, but also the self-selected, smart participants!! I found many of them brilliant. I made new friends with whom I spend time with now, and will definitely be participating and recommending your upcoming events to my friends. Thank you!!”
Anna G.
Two buses, masks, and capsules of 20 - we set out in high spirits for our first Friday-Shabbat Seminar in too long!! We visited the Prophet Samuel’s tomb, Nebi Mussa, and King Hussein’s unfinished palace north of Jerusalem, hiked and drank tea near Jericho and then spent Shabbat in beautiful Kibbutz Almog North of the Dead Sea.
“The Shabbaton in Almog was the first for me. It was literally a breath of fresh air and rare opportunity for high-level Jewish engagement after two lockdowns. I really appreciate the activities of "Shishi Shabbat" - not only the scholarly and positive lecturers with inimitable senses of humor, but also the self-selected, smart participants!! I found many of them brilliant. I made new friends with whom I spend time with now, and will definitely be participating and recommending your upcoming events to my friends. Thank you!!”
Anna G.