We met near the “Terminal Design” building, and guide Asya described the social projects that are gathered under this roof and the people who created this space - a nonprofit organisation called "Latzet Me Hakufsa" - Think outside the Box". This project was created mostly through donations of materials, such as paint from the Tambur company. We visited the Hatzer Project, a greenhouse for people with mental issues who undergo rehabilitation by growing plants and making flower pots. We discussed the differences between therapy and rehabilitation, and laws around the world and in Israel related to this. We then visited "HaLev haKatom" (orange heart) project – where participants create industrial design items for sale. The “Hamama” project helps new designers set up their own business and sell their products, collaborate with large companies. The main idea of the founders is that design changes the world and helps society. Businesses in the 21st century cannot be developed without social and environmental impact.
Mental illness issues are a very uncomfortable topic for most people. I am really grateful that we have such projects and people who are open to talk and help. Thank you Shishi for showing us these wonderful projects.
Vladimir B.